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Here you celebrate with nature as the highlight of the party, except for the wedding couple of course.

In a rural setting, we arrange a memorable wedding for those who want to have a different and unique party evening.

Weddings & nuptials

Here the food is cooked outdoors, we customize the menu according to your wishes. The food is prepared from scratch by us with a strong focus on green, local and homegrown. We see opportunities and are flexible, all to make your party memorable. Some of our guests choose to spend time in the courtyard, others in nearby places of their own choosing.

Rural but close to Stockholm

Siggesta Gård is surrounded by woods, paddocks and fields. Here our guests encounter rural idyll and the wedding becomes personal. However, it is close to Stockholm where you can get by SL bus or car.

Wedding with hotel accommodation

Don't forget that we have 58 hotel rooms with 140 beds! Guests can sleep over in our cosy boutique hotel rooms and the day after the festivities the company is seen enjoying a lovely breakfast in our cosy Lounge.

Wedding Suite Smedjan

For our wedding couple there is our cozy suite Smedjan. Here there is plenty of room to get in order before the evening, bring the bridesmaids before the nuptials and fix in ornding the last thing together.

Wedding planning

In order for your celebration to be the very best, we meet before for planning and tuning everything so that you feel as safe as possible before your big day.

Autumn or winter wedding

If you plan to organize your wedding in November or January-March, we offer a 30% discount on hotel rooms for your overnight guests.
