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Booking request


Orangeriet is our Mediterranean-inspired venue adorned with expansive glass windows, featuring fig and olive trees nestled in charming rusted tin pots.

A unique conference room

Having their conference in the Orangery provides a framing of the meeting that attendees will remember. The venue is best suited for those who want a relaxed meeting style or workshop. The light flows into the room from both the windows and the ceiling and gives a nice light and energy to the meeting participants.

Perfect place for party

The Orangery is also a perfect place for a casual summer party with a mingle or barbecue buffet. Or extend the season with an autumn party with the summer feeling left over.

Surface & Seats

Carola, Gun and Lena warmly welcome you to Siggesta Gård.

We will ensure that your conference is conducted in the best possible way, with our goal being to make all our guests feel at home!