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Party with a Mediterranean flair
Booking request


Welcome to a party in the Orangery! Gather the company for an unforgettable evening under olive trees and vines. The chef prepares a barbecue buffet, which is served for dinner.

Summer party

During spring and summer, it goes well with a hearty mingle and a lovely barbecue buffet prepared by our chefs. The Orangery itself is a stunning place with a Mediterranean feel, surrounded by greenery from trees, plants and large glass windows that let in lots of natural light. It's a perfect place to gather company for a summery party before the holidays kick off, or to kick off autumn in style.

Late Summer Party

Our chef lights the grills outside the Orangery and cooks well prepared food using a lot of ingredients from our own kitchen garden, providing an extra taste experience for our guests. Or why not a festive crawfish slice with visor, hats and dill boiled crayfish.

Autumn party

We serve up a harvest dinner with freshly harvested vegetables from the farm's vegetable garden or serve some tasty stew.

Unique party venue

We are proud to offer a personalized and unique experience for every guest who visits us at the Orangeriet. Our goal is to give our guests an experience that they will soon forget. Come and experience it for yourself, we look forward to welcoming you to our amazing Orangery!


Carola, Gun and Lena warmly welcome you to Siggesta Gård.

We will ensure that your conference is conducted in the best possible way, with our goal being to make all our guests feel at home!