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Happy Friday Conference: Friday feeling at the conference.
Booking request


Offer on an affordable conference package with a lovely Friday atmosphere on the agenda. End the working week with the company at Siggesta Gård with a Happy Friday dinner.

After a busy working week in the office, it's time to relax and strengthen team cohesion. At Siggesta Gård you can do it in the best way. Here you will have the opportunity to relax, generate creative ideas and build strong relationships within the group.

In the countryside, close to town

Siggesta Gård is located near Stockholm, which makes it easy to get here. You can choose to take the SL bus to your own stop or use a car. If you are a larger group, you can also consider renting your own bus and carpooling. From Stockholm's inner city it takes only about 43 minutes to reach us. But when you are here, it feels like you are far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Instead, you will be greeted by a beautiful environment with horses, paddocks and woods.


Carola, Gun and Lena warmly welcome you to Siggesta Gård.

We will ensure that your conference is conducted in the best possible way, with our goal being to make all our guests feel at home!