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First come first served... book last-minute dates in March
Booking request


First come first served... book the conference during last minute dates in March!

Spring's selected weeks! Book the conference during last-minute dates this spring!


f you're planning to book a conference during the spring, it pays off to be flexible with the dates. By choosing to book the meeting during the suggested weeks this spring, you can secure fantastic prices and avoid the crowds that come with the high season. Take the opportunity to book your conference now and organize a sustainable conference while securing the best meeting dates for your company!


Experience the perfect combination of productivity and relaxation with full board at Siggesta Gård! From inspiring meetings in unique and personal conference rooms to well-prepared meals with local ingredients and relaxing or adventurous activities in scenic surroundings – here you get it all. Welcome to a delightful conference experience that you will carry back to the office with you.


Variety brings energy, get up and move between conference sessions! When you book this package, our activity band (value 195 SEK /person) with four outdoor activities is included. You can divide into teams, try different challenges, or go for a workout in the Forest Obstacle Course.

  • Adventure Golf
  • Disc Golf
  • Football Golf
  • Forest Obstacle Course


Carola, Gun and Lena warmly welcome you to Siggesta Gård.

We will ensure that your conference is conducted in the best possible way, with our goal being to make all our guests feel at home!