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In the middle of nature
Booking request


Replace the meeting room with an outdoor conference by the sea. Different, unique and close to nature conference environment.

Having a conference near the water outdoors by the sea makes for a unique and delightful experience. It is a perfect combination of work and relaxation in a scenic setting. At our natural beach we offer opportunities for a “regular” conference in a unique environment. It will be a different, memorable and close to nature experience.

Conference on the natural beach

After a walking tour along a dirt road and forest, a clearing opens up to the sea, about 20 minutes. There we have set up what you need for a conference in a scenic environment. Replace the usual conference room to open the senses, come up with new ideas and maybe dip your toes in the water. Lovely sandy bottom and open sea views. Bring your swimwear for a refreshing swim!


Carola, Gun and Lena warmly welcome you to Siggesta Gård.

We will ensure that your conference is conducted in the best possible way, with our goal being to make all our guests feel at home!