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Siggesta On The Road with our cool Food Truck. This summer there will be a festive atmosphere with us! Here we serve delicious homemade sausages. The food truck is usually in front of the outdoor terrace at Restaurang Ladugården.

The Food Truck is open during summer and special occations.


The food truck can be booked for a conference group, party or why not as a wedding invitation!

Student Party & Celebration

Siggestas Food Truck on the road - hire us for student celebrations or private parties to add a unique and tasteful twist to the event in a fantastic way. The homemade deer sausage is not just food, it's an experience! Imagine surprising guests with something unique and locally produced.

Contact Us for booking the Foodtruck.

Opening hours

Julbord på Siggesta Gård


Påskbordet på Siggesta Gård är traditionellt, lokalt och vällagat. Utvalda delikatesser och rätter serveras på en buffé i Restaurang Ladugården.
Smakrik tradition
Julbord på Siggesta Gård

Midsummer's Eve

The Midsummer buffet at Siggesta Gård is locally sourced, well-cooked, and captures the essence of summer. Indulge in a selection of delicacies and dishes served at the buffet in Restaurant Ladugården.
The Feast of Summer