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In our lush Orangeri we serve light lunches, tasty sandwiches, salads, salmon, fried rice and homemade fika.


At Siggesta Gård, we have several cozy places to choose from for eating and drinking. Depending on the season, our selection varies, but there is always something delicious. What remains constant is our commitment to working extensively with local raw materials, cooking from scratch, and carefully selecting our range. Homemade coffee, ice cream, wine & beer, coffee, and good drinks from local producers are also available. Warmly welcome.

Opening hours

Julbord på Siggesta Gård


Påskbordet på Siggesta Gård är traditionellt, lokalt och vällagat. Utvalda delikatesser och rätter serveras på en buffé i Restaurang Ladugården.
Smakrik tradition
Julbord på Siggesta Gård

Midsummer's Eve

The Midsummer buffet at Siggesta Gård is locally sourced, well-cooked, and captures the essence of summer. Indulge in a selection of delicacies and dishes served at the buffet in Restaurant Ladugården.
The Feast of Summer